Wednesday, August 18, 2010

2cm dilated, and mid-wife said she could feel the head? How long have i left?

went to the hospital today to find out i was 2 cm dilated and that the mid wife could feel the head, also i had to be sent to get a trace done on the baby's movement and it showed that i had 2 contractions 5 minutes apart and i didn't feel these. anyone have an idea of how long it will take from here?2cm dilated, and mid-wife said she could feel the head? How long have i left?

With my 2nd child I went in to see the consultant as she was 10 days overdue and he wouldn't let me leave as I was 4 cm dilated. I had tingles but not painful contractions so I couldn't believe it.

My daughter came the following morning about 24 hours later.2cm dilated, and mid-wife said she could feel the head? How long have i left?
it depends how things progress. You could stay at 2cm for a matter of weeks to a matter of days.

I'm 35w2d pregnant, 2cm dilated, baby is engaged etc...

But active labor starts at 3cm and you have to be 10cm dilated, 100% effacted to begin pushing the baby's head out..

EDIT: The breasts have nothing to do with labor hun, so I have no idea why they would have checked that for?!
They say the average dilation is a centimetre every hour but this is only a guide line you may have your baby tonight or it may not be til tomorrow night but hopefully before the end of the weekend you'll have your very own bundle of trouble!! GOOD LUCK!!
its could be days or a weeks!

good luck
sorry to bring you bad news but no one can say how long until you have your baby....I am 38 weeks and have been 5cm and 90% effaced with contractions every 4-6 minutes that I FEEL but the hospial sent me home bc I wasn't progressing (this was for 24 hours!!!!) I am all hopped up on muscle relaxers bc they wont help things get moving till I am 39 weeks :(

I was 2cm at 32 weeks so you may have some time before you go into actual labor. But on the good side at least you are already dilated so when you go into labor, it might go faster for you!

Good luck!
It varies, I got stuck at about that point with my first and ended up being induced, but some women will go into labor tonight at that point. I don't know what the breasts have to do with labor.
Ok let me begin by saying EVERY WOMAN'S LABOR/DELIVERY IS DIFFERENT, I'm sure you know that I just want to clarify before someone reads my answer and disagree.

Here is what happened to me :

I dilated from 0-2.5 cm in a few hours. This was around Dec 20th. My contractions were close together and I went back home to wait it out a little,I wasn't hurting hardly at all.

At that point I was around 32 weeks , my son's head was completely into my pelvis and could be felt as well and I was 90% effaced (excuse the spelling)

I was put on bed rest for 3 weeks then reached 38 weeks before I dilated anymore. I had contractions on and off after that until my active labor. Jan.29th I started contracting at 8am from 2.5-4.5 then my water broke and I made it to 7cm by the time they got there to give me my epidural and then I had an emergency c-section and a healthy baby boy by 1:35pm

My point is everyones different,so it could turn out many different ways. You may have the baby within 24 hours or you could be like me and have to wait 4-6 weeks. Just don't get your hopes up,I did and I was disappointed once I hit 36 weeks and there was no progress.
Its different by everyone. It can take another twelve hours or some people stay at 2 cm for two weeks. Giving that your due in two days i would say that you'll have your baby today or tomorrow.
At 39 weeks and 6 days I was 2cms dilated too :)

Four hours after the midwife told me that I was at the Maternity Unit, I was 4cm dilated and that's the point at which UK midwives class you as being in active labour - it's also the point at which they admit you to the delivery suite.

It could be a matter of hours, it could be days, it could be another couple of weeks. I know that answer is rubbish, but nobody knows sadly. The fact you're having contractions is a good sign. And I get what you mean by your breasts. Is it when the midwife felt the top of your bump, she could only get on finger between the top of your bump and the bottom of your breasts? And then afterwards two fingers, meaning baby had moved down? Because that's another excellent sign.

I can't tell you when your labour will start but it will be soon enough from the sounds. Use the chance to make sure all your bags are ready, that your maternity notes are always handy, and that you have everything you need. My biggest advice is to get some sleep! I was awake for 36 hours straight when I took my labour. There are a couple of things that might help things along, they won't bring on labour unless your body is ready for labour but it can't hurt. Have yourself some walks too as gravity will help baby's head push down on your cervix which encourages it to open more, just don't do too much and wear yourself out. One last option is to have a bit of intimate time with your partner, sperm contains prostaglandins which encourage the cervix to soften - if you ever go overdue, the hospital will try using a prostaglandin to induce you. Even if you don't fancy that, just an orgasm is good for helping labour along as it releases the hormone oxytocin which is one of the labour hormones.
Hours and hours, maybe 24 maybe less

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