Is your wife and my husband, related or something. My husband does the same thing. I no longer tell him my intimate secrets, dreams.....nothing. He twists it and then throws my inner most feelings against me. I have learned that you can NOT rationalize with an irrational person. WALK away. If she doesn't leave you alone.......DRIVE away. That is what I do. I will NOT allow myself to be bullied anymore. My MIL lives with us, and she and my husband gain up on me and bully me. I spent two days getting about beaten down. All because I did not ooo and ahh over her new curtains.
I plan on visiting my sister in the next state for two weeks and let my husband be alone with his manipulative mother.......maybe they will kill each other......LOL They are too much alike.....What do you do when your wife or husband keeps pushing your buttons?
Fight fair, but don't back down. A bully just gains more power when you give in.
You say, ';I have told you where I stand. When you care to work this out like mature adults, let me know.';
And if she continues, you say, ';I heard your opinion, but pushing me does not change my mind. When you can treat me with respect, I will be willing to talk to you. Until then, this discussion is over.'; And then go about doing something else. If she continues to pursue you, ignore the behavior or leave for a while. You don't deserve to be hounded into her way of thinking.
She needs to be reminded that you deserve respect. You can do that while still treating her with respect.
Good luck!
ask her to stop.
just say
i really wish you would stop pushing my buttons. I know i'm entertaining in all but this is a problem and we will not get anywhere if you keep adding fuel to the fire.
Tell her how you feel.
He pushes my buttons I just tell him that is what he is doing just because he don't know by my reaction most people need it spelt out for them. YOU are pushing my buttons. we are not going to solve this when we both are heated to the point where we are pushing buttons. either stop pusshing my buttons ore we can talk about this at another time.
My fiance can be like that at times. I have learned that you don't try to reason with an unreasonable person. All you can do is to walk away, give them some space and try to talk to them when they are calmed down.Attempting to argue with a personality like my fiance is almost like a self mutilating torture of some kind. Best to wait until the Lion is no longer hungry before walking into the cage (she is an Irish-Italian Leo).
You guys sound just about right for each other. She knows how to get to you but you don't know how to get to her? Sounds like a nice little competition. A loving relationship shouldn't be so much work.
I don't hang with ANYONE who wants to push my buttons constantly. That's not my idea of love.
I just don't hang with them. That's that. Game over.
Leave. Not forever, but until she is done with her temper tantrum. Before you leave however tell her that your leaving and why. ';You seem to always find a way to push my buttons and I am starting to wonder if you do this on purpose. I do not understand it, I do not appreciate it. I am going for a drive. Hopefully when I return you are done';. Then leave. This will push her button, hopefully the mute button. Don't argue, don't yell, just state calmly what I suggested.
My husband never wanted me to have my buttons pushed, that is the worst thing to happen. He would say what he had to say, I would give my two cents and then we would walk away and think about what was said. If you don't want you buttons pushed fix the buttons so they don't go off. Very simple, don't react.
fight fire with fire. women hate being guilt tripped, so do just that. tell her how hurtful and insulting she is to you and you don't understand why she would go out of her way to belittle you like that. ask her what she would do if she was in your shoes, or if you treated HER with disrespect like that.
she needs to respect you like you do her, she needs to grow up and start acting like your wife.
it's not that she pushes your buttons, it's about how you react to it-
don't let it get to don't get upset-just know that she is trying to push you and don't react
the way she wants you to-that will probably stop her from doing it- it's no fun if she doesn't get
a rise out of you-
Ex-wife: Showed her it didn't work by not reacting, and eventually divorced her.
Wife: Only pushes my happy buttons. Really well.
I call my husband out on it...I remind him to stay on topic or be prepared to speak to the wall when I leave the room. I don't put up with that stuff anymore - I found my voice and I sure as hell use it!
Don't talk to her anymore. Don't react to what she says or does. Just basically ignore her and start pretending that she doesn't exist or matter.
well, *I* communicated how i felt (in %26amp; outside of counseling), and when he didn't give a crap i divorced the jerk for my own sanity's sake.
truly i don't think my husband never does this to me. but i do it to him. i do it, so he can see that there is a problem.
Do what I do when my wife tries to push my buttons. Just look at her, shake your head and laugh. That sends her through the roof.
Point out she's fighting dirty and you won't do this while she is acting childish.
So if you can't communicate with this woman because she will just use you're feelings to trash you more..then why stay with her?
I shut down and walk away. It is safer for all parties involved.
well, if I push her buttons just right she c*ms like crazy.
too bad you love her, she does not love you
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