Friday, August 20, 2010

How do I resolve holiday destinations with or without my wife?

My wife is obsessed with Africa and never wants to set foot in Iceland because she finds it boring. I'm obsessed with Iceland and have no desire to go to Africa. Holidays are coming up and I'm completely cool with going spending separate holidays but she's not. Any suggestions on how to resolve this?How do I resolve holiday destinations with or without my wife?
Throw out Africa. Throw out Iceland. You are married. You should choose your marriage first. Do some research and figure out what you both would like to do together. Think about what you both would like to experience. If your desires differ, that is fine. There has got to be a place in the world that offers something different for the both of you in the same spot. It might work to find a travel agent to help you find that spot. You should focus on having a nice holiday with your wife, not where you want to be. Because if where you want to be is not where she is, its no good.How do I resolve holiday destinations with or without my wife?
Is there some other place that both of you could enjoy, even though it wouldn't be your #1 favorite? Or could you both make some compromises for each other so that both of you can get your dream vacation sooner or later, for example by going together to one of them this time and the other one next time?
I think you should call a qualified travel agent and she/he will be able to find a solution for both of you. The reason I say this.the travel agent I used Was more like a therapist for me and my boyfriend, because we were arguing over a destination for 3 whole months. to the point where i was honestly ready to move out. :) I randomly called a travel agent. I never used one before she is in Hollywood California but the girl knows the whole world like the back of her hand

So she basically put us n conference call and asked each one of us our likes and dislikes.

She booked us on a 12 day cruise from Venice Italy all the way to Russia and back and we fell in lve all over again :)

Seriously You should just contact travel agent . if you wanna use her her name is

Dina and I just know her email address

Good luck :)

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