Friday, August 20, 2010

How to convince wife to have a baby?

Wife has health issues that cause her to be on immuno-suppressants, and have less energy that most people (but can still function). I'd love for us to start a family, but she is concerned about not having the energy to keep up with the kid, finances, health, etc. My fear is if we wait for all these to be resolved we'll be too old. How can I convince her that we should have kids now, rather than waiting.How to convince wife to have a baby?
do you have any idea what it takes to bring up a child it's already for a woman with no health problems imagine what your wife would have to be faced with, don't be so selfish and listen to what she is sayingHow to convince wife to have a baby?
It is so sad that I know so many beautiful, caring, hardworking girls who want a family so bad but their husbands/boyfriends refuse to have kids. Most of them have just eventually given up and sacrificed their desire to have a family in order to make their boyfriends/husbands happy. It's a tough call. One one hand, you love this woman, you married her, and it isn't her fault she has medical issues. On the other hand, you will have to continue the rest of your life with her, sacrificing the life you wanted, and wondering what may have been. I have no real advice other than to just keep talking to her about it. Talk to your doctors. My mom had a similar medical problem that left her tired all the time but she had three children and did what she could.

Your wife could have a child and take the early years of the child's life to be a stay at home mother. I don't know what your finances are like, but you don't have to be rich to live on one salary. My dad was a mechanic and my mom stayed at home. We weren't wealthy but we had everything we needed and we were happy - happier than a lot of my friends who had giant houses and daycare every day.

Just talk to her about it, if she really doesn't want to then you need to decide what you want out of your life and whether it would be unfair to her to keep living with her knowing you will be unhappy and resent your marriage later on in life.
You're missing something here.

You're wife isn't saying no out of vanity, or uncertainty. Her health is the issue. If she takes those drugs while pregnant, they can adversely effect the baby. If she doesn't, she could die.

Consider for a moment how you would deal with a new born if she died during or after the birth?

Are you more interested in parenting, than keeping her in your life?

I chose to become a mother at 31. When i was younger I might have had more energy, but emotionally I was ready to parent later. And i did not have a health issue.

Listen to her. Your current thinking is encouraging her to risk her life for your happiness...and that is a cruel thing to do to someone if you love them.
You can't convince her - and I think that you're being extremely unfair putting this pressure onto her when she already has health problems!

It's a woman's natural response to want children and I commend her for fighting this natural urge to take into account her health and yours and any babies welfare.

You should support her decision - it will not have been an easy one for her to make.
If your wife doesn't want to have children, you need to respect this decision and let it go. Both people must be on board for this - and as a married woman who does not want kids, I can see her hesitation. Leave her alone.
Perhaps you can suggest adoption so it dosent put a strain on her health. Raising kids is the hardest job in the world and you would not want her to resent you or the child for doing something she is not ready to do.
How old are you, first of all?

Second, maybe you should think about her health first before anything else. That should be more important to you than rushing her to have a baby...which is VERY exhausting and hard on the body.
you can't convince her, it's not like buying a new car; it is forever, both of you make an appointment with her doctor and both of you talk to him/her about it
You don't. How would you like her to convince you to have your balls removed. If you push her into it, she will most likely end up with post-natal depression, or worse, resenting you and the child.
Try to improvise your thoughts and your mind .Let go of your EGO and pride and think differently .Have faith in her and what she needs is there in abundance .There is no need to be possessive or selfish !
My husband ';convinced'; me to have a birth-control failure baby in an already tenuous situation. Five years later I left him with the whole mess. Be careful what you try to force on another.
if she can't fully care for the kids, she needs to know that you'll be there to help her.
Leave her alone. She'll resent you if you make her do this when she's not ready.

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