Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What should I do if my future wife hates my dog?

My future wife hates to have a dog any where around her. She's not afraid of them but she just dislikes them anywhere near her personal space. I have had my daschund for 4 years and she is an inside dog since I live in an apartment. She agrees that my dog is the sweetest and least annoying she has ever been around but still she gets anxious and nervous. We have talked seriously about getting married and I've compromised to let the dog stay outside most of the time when we get married. But she is not willing to bend a bit. She said that she wouldn't even like my dog sitting in my lap for 10 minutes in the evening while I watch TV. She says that she is dead set on letting the dog anywhere near the inside of the house. How can I deal with my future wife hating the dog that I love as a child? The dog is housebroken with unbelievable manners. What should I do? I love my dog like a child.What should I do if my future wife hates my dog?
I may be a bit biased being a complete dog person/lover...but I'd be thinking twice about marrying someone who is so rigid about my dog.

She claims not to be afraid of dogs, yet is forcing you to plan on banishing your beloved pet outdoors isolated from the only home he's known if you want to marry her.

Which really indicates that she has no consideration of how you feel about your pet or about whats best for your pet. I'd hate to see how she'd act if you had a human kid, not a dog.

You're going to make whatever decision you are, but someone who REALLY loves you is going to love anything/anyone you love and support you even if its not always 'comfortable'. Your dog is only going to be around for

@15 yrs(another 10 if you're lucky). She's as your wife is supposed to be in for your lifetime. You'd think she'd be more understanding and less demanding. If she's this demanding now, I hate to see where those demands go later.

But if you decide to stay with her, it would be more humane to find your dog a home that will love and cherish it like it deserves not

abandon it in a yard for a relationship. Your dog was raised as an indoor dog, and will not understand nor likely do well suddenly as a outdoor dog. :(

best of luck,What should I do if my future wife hates my dog?
Id keep the dog it was there first and if she doesn't like it say o well. Sorry I ever dated u and show her the door!!

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try getting another wife lol
If she really loves you, she should be willing to at least compromise, especially when it's something that's so important to you. You should seriously reconsider marriage to this woman.
say its her and the dog or no her
That is a tough decision. I love my dog as a child as well, and if it came down to it, I would not get married and keep the dog. You need to tell her that the dog is NOT going to be an outside dog. Can you imagine the trauma to the dog if you all of a sudden put her outside all the time. Seriously, you need to have a sit down talk with your future wife and tell her your side of it, maybe ya'll can work something out where you crate train the dog and the dog can be loose around the house while she isn't home and then put the dog in the crate when she is home. convince your future wife to go have a girls day once or twice a week, that will give you time with your baby. I hope I could help! Good luck!
Get rid of the future wife. You say you love the dog like a child, if this were your child would you even consider getting rid of the child? Then why get rid of the dog? If she can't compromise on something that is so important to you and means so much to you, what else will she not be willing to compromise on?? Sounds too controlling.
Ooo! tough situation.

Dog was here first. I am sorry, but if she really loves you then she would understand how much your dog means to you.
As a newlywed one thing I have to tell you is that marriage is about compromise. And she is not compromising. If she truly loved you and respected your wishes she would understand how much the dog means to you. If she doesn't respect you on this level what is she going to do in the future? She is probably a great person, but maybe she needs to examine her priorities. Does she love you more than she hates dogs?

Honestly, I don't know how ';dog people'; and ';non-dog people'; get along. There are such differences in the basic personalities of the two.

You guys need to have a serious conversation. She needs to decide if she loves you enough to deal with what sounds like a very tolerable animal. And you have to realize that if you marry this woman she has to feel more loved than the dog. Let her know that the dog will not encroach on her ';territory';.

You also need to explain that it is not recommended for Doxies to be outdoors animals. They are very temperature sensitive. They are also amazingly loyal and sweet animals.

Ultimately you have to decide whether or not this is a ';deal breaker';. For me, it would be.

Good luck!
I will tell you from personal experience... Keep the dog... get rid of the fiance.

Noone will ever love you as unconditionally as your dog will.

Any person who can claim to love someone and then not be at least accepting of something as beloved as a pet is not worth your regard.

I wish I could express myself better... but if the relationship is coming to ';its me or the dog'; there is something intrinsically WRONG that has nothing to do with the dog.
Oh, be wise. This is a major red flag that shows she is not the right woman for you.

Here are the reasons:

1. She doesn't care how you feel about your dog. Even if she doesn't like dogs, she should consider--and care about--the fact that you really love your dog.

2. She is unwilling to compromise. A happy marriage takes major compromise. If she won't compromise now, believe me, she will only get worse later. A lot worse.

3. She doesn't like animals. Sure, some women might be afraid of animals. Some don't have much experience with them so they aren't warm and fuzzy about them. But for someone to HATE animals? Especially dogs who are loving and loyal? How can a person HATE a dog? Did she have a bad experience with a dog? If not, she is just a self-centered person. Shallow. Uncaring.

Please, please beware. Save yourself a lot of heartache over a selfish woman.

If you love your dog like a child, you must find a woman who will do the same. Dump the girl. Thank your dog for saving you a lot of trouble by showing you the unpleasant side of this woman. I am very serious about this. I'm not an animal fanatic or a young idealist. I have lots of experience with marriages.

It is a good idea to let your pooch help pick your mate. Animals are very empathetic.

Good luck.
Well are you prepared to get rid of your dog? Are you prepared for a life with no dog? Because that is what is going to happen.

When I was choosing who to be with one of my requirements was they have to LOVE dogs (and all animals) as much as I do because I KNOW I have to have dogs in my life. So when I dated a guy who disliked my dog I just did not date him again.. simple as that.

I will warn you if you choose the woman over the dog you will end up resenting her terribly because you had to give away your dog. Even if she lets you keep the dog but forces you to have it outside is that going to make you happy?? Me I would be miserable with worry and sadness. Are you really going to let your dog stay outside summer and winter because your wife won't let it inside? A Dachshund is a smaller dog and won't fair well in extreme weather (hot or cold).

Honestly if it were me I would end the relationship because I know I could not live with myself if I did that to my dog. Find someone who has a love of animals like you do.
I think you should keep the dog and she has to accept the fact as the dog has been living with you for 4 years. The dog is like a family member to you. Moreover, you have compromised by letting the dog stay outside after the marriage.

If you were to send the dog away, you are admitting ';defeat'; and she would always want to have her say in everything after the marriage and that can be hell.
Sounds to me like you and your girl need to have a serious talk. I don't think someone who loved you would expect you to give up your pet. Also sounds to me like this will be the last dog you ever have if you marry this girl....what else is she going to expect you give up to be with her? I mean, you could choose the girl over the dog...that would prove your love to her, but...will you really be happy? It's not like it's a dangerous or bad habit she's asking you to curb here. I know this isn't your question...but I think you really need to consider if this is the kind of woman you want to spend the rest of your life with. If so, I guess you have to choose her or the dog. Good Luck.
If she can't learn to accept something you love, not like it, not care about it, accept it, I think that's an indication that you two should not get married. Imagine all the other things you'll have to give in to once you're combined your lives. It's not about the dog, it's about control, and you're losing.
You will have to get rid of onel of them, you can't live with hate in the house.
That is rough. I know how guys are about their dogs. My Dad has a dog and he would toss a woman out before he would the dog, I'm serious.

So, you need to stand your ground, a dog is a Man's best friend, and she should respect that.
I married someone with different feeling towards dogs then myself. He's gone the dog's still here!!!!!!!!!!
You answered your own question. ';I love my dog like a child.'; What would you do if she didn't like your child and wouldn't let it on your lap for 10 minutes? If she loves you enough, she'll deal with the dog. I don't like dogs either and my husband loves his dog! I would never make him leave her outside. (even though she stinks BAD)
I say ditch the *****.
As a dog lover, I'd say, don't marry her. You own a dog before you met her. She knows about the dog, yet she still going out with you. Anyway, it is up to you. If you love her more the your dog. Then you just have to have her way.

My husband was terrified of dog before he meet me. I had dog my whole life. He start to learned to love dog. Now, my dog loves him more than me.
Personally I'd find another woman. She sounds like a controlling, selfish woman and quite frankly very unwilling to bend to please you in any way. Just think, If she knows how important the dog is to you she would make every effort to not only get to know the dog but accept it. Can you really live with your dog living outside? Those breeds are not meant to be an outside dog at all.

You do what you want but there are plenty of other good nice dog loving women out there. She's not one of them.
screw her keep the dog
I don't see a silver lining here. This is just the beginning and your happiness is at stake, it really is. The dog is your family now. If she can't accept that as is, it's a good thing you are not married yet! Don't make your dog live outside. Anxious and nervous is fear, not dislike. I would run the other way, with your dog in tow.
I have two ex-wives, each decided they didn't like my dogs.

So think this over, your dog is willing to adapt to your adding a new fixture to your lifestyle, yet this new fixture is un-willing to adapt to your most loyal companion. 'Nuff said.
No no no!!! In today's world marriages come and go but dog's are forever. If she can't love you and your dog then she doesn't truly love you and it wouldn't have worked anyway.

My boyfriend hates dog- I am renting from him- he let me get my dog from the local shelter and now begs him for kisses and to come cuddle. There's someone who really cares for me- so much he'll put aside his dislike of dogs.

This woman isn't the one for you- your dog will love you unconditionally forever- she obviously won't.
I totally understand you when you say you love her like a child. I love my dog that way, too. To be honest, I wonder what kind of person she really is if (a) she hates dogs (b) she disregards how much you love your dog and (c) she won't even compromise a little bit on a solution to having your dog around sometimes. This all sounds really bad. At the very least, you'd think your wife would care about how much you love the dog and allow you to have her with you just because she wants you to be happy. I think your future wife should at least allow you to have the dog inside when you are home to take care of her. Do you really want to kick your faithful pooch out and make her live outside? I know it sounds crazy, but I'd rethink this relationship. It doesn't sound like she's respecting your feelings. Your dog was there before her, and believe me, your dog would never get rid of YOU for anyone else.
She has to compromise, and understand that marriage is accepting ALL of who you are, including your unconditional love for the dog. If you get rid of the dog, you wont soon forgive yourself for it, and lets face it, you may end up blaming her for it in the future
You should explain to her how important the dog is to you. You can get an electric fence to let the dog roam around outside. She should be willing to compromise, as long as the dog doesn't get too close to her she should be willing to deal with it. If she really loves you a dog shouldn't ruin it.
Choose. The dog or the fiance/wife.
if you have a strong bond with your dog than i say that you should talk it over with your fiance and let her know that you have a strong bond with your dog and if she has a problem with it then she must not really want to be with you so tell her if she has a problem with it then that's her problem. either she can except that you have a dog or she just has a problem with it her whole life or until....................... whenever
My suggestion is get rid of the future wife.Dog is man's best friend.

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