Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How can I get my wife to start the cleaning?

I have been telling my wife she has to start to bear down and get this pigsty cleaned up. But every day I come home from work its the same Pig Sty I left in the morning. She says she doesn't have time to clean up because she has her soaps to watch, friends to visit and bingo to attend.

How do I convince her to clean up this dump?How can I get my wife to start the cleaning?
i would make her get a job and then hire a housekeeper to clean. if she stays home all day she should clean the house, i would cut out her cable until she cleans the house.How can I get my wife to start the cleaning?
That depends on who brings home the bacon. If she eats the food that you provide for the household to eat and she seems to have time to eat doesn't she, then she needs to show some consideration and at least clean the damn house.

My brother has the same problem with his woman. She is as big as the apartment they live in and she won't do laundry for six months at a time, but she goes shopping whenever she feels like it and doesn't clean the house either. I told him he needs to put his foot down since he is the bread winner. He says he tries, but she just yells at him, so he ends up doing the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping.

I think this is soooooo disrespectful. She needs to step up and do something useful, the same as your wife. Just tell her that if she can't help out around here, you might as well find someone that wants to be here and do something. She can watch her soaps when the work is done. Good luck.
Sometimes when you let a place get really messy, the thought of starting to clean up is a very daunting task, sometimes more than a one person task too! So next weekend, how about the two of you get stuck in together and clean the palce from top to toe. That way, rather than it being a massive task for her to undergo each day, it will be easier for her to keep it clean during the week. Realistically if you clean up after yourself throughout your week, then each day you should only have about ten to twenty minutes of normal housework, and then once a week do the extras like vacuuming etc. And don't assume it's all her job, there's nothing stopping you from putting in twenty minutes of cleaning once a day either in the morning before you go to work or at night.
She sees marriage as retirement from all responsibilities in life. Tell her to get a full time job and then you will both divide the housework in half. Or she can stay home and keep the house clean, the laundry done and dinner on the table when you get home. She can watch her soaps, visit her friends or play bingo, only after she does her job. Or her sugar daddy is going to leave and she can find herself a new one that will support her and not care that he has to live in a Pig Sty.

Either you put up with supporting her with nothing in return or you put your foot down and tell her to do her job or you are leaving. PERIOD!!!

Why are you giving this woman money to play bingo? What has she done to earn any spending money?
I can understand where you're coming from, but I can also understand where she is, because I am lazy as hell. All she needs is motivation. Some time when you have off just be like ';hey let's clean the house together'; And sure it's not fair (it sounds like she is unemployed) because you have to work all day and her job should be to clean up. Also if it's all your mess (which how can it be because you're gone to work all day) then she won't want to clean it up. (but chances are it's her mess) either way, it will help her if you're there too. And then once it's cleaned up she may be more willing to keep it that way then to let it get messy again.
those are ridiculous excuses. if i said that crap to my husband he would laugh at me and tell me to get this place cleaned up or im not going anywhere lol and i dont blame him. you could:

1. kind of bribe her in a way like ';honey,clean the house up and we will go out to eat at a nice restaurant tonight when i get home';

2.offer to help her do it and get her caught back up that way it isnt so overwhelming and ask her to please keep it up. i have gotten backed up before and its really overwhelming to me. my husband helped me get caught back up and after that i would wash the dishes/wash clothes before it got piled up again and ive kept it up! explain to her if she would take an hour a day to do a few things that it would make both your lives much more enjoyable.

3.start inviting some of your friends over and maybe they will say something and embarrass her and she will get the point that she needs to clean.

i hope i helped! good luck!
Maybe you should plan a romantic night for the two of you one day after work. Then tell her you have a surprise for her coming up, but she has to clean up the house to know what it is. Really get into it like ';darn you really would have liked this'; or ';you don't know what you are missing'; Curiosity still does kill the cat or in this case make the cat clean up :) Hope this helps!
I'd start with throwing the tv out the front door. Then disable her car. Then make sure she don't have the money for bingo. And if none of that worked. I'd start throwing any thing and everything out the door, starting with her.
Before you leave in the morning, leave a broom and dust pan near the bed or pillow; which ever you choose. If she doesn't get the message, then explain it to her in more clear terms.
Oh that's terrible, I noticed some women are only good putting make up in their faces but inside the house so messy and smelly.
Go stay a week at family members or at a hotel and tell her your not coming back until she cleans the house, and don't give her any money to do anything with.
wow you have a real jewel in your Maybe start inviting her friends over or make comments about it to embarrass her in front of people. Dont clean it all by youtself
she is just lazy.. if shes lazy theirs nothing you can do about it..
she is not going to change, if you don't like it... move out.

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